Electrical company warns customers to conserve usage or cold weather demand may force outages
Published 9:53 pm Monday, February 15, 2021
The record-breaking winter storm that passed through Mississippi Monday caused one of the state’s largest electrical power companies to urge residents to conserve power or potentially face forced temporary outages.
Entergy Mississippi announced in a press release Monday night that its partner Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) made the unusual request as the extremely cold weather has caused significantly higher electrical loads compared to a more normal time.
The request to reduce demand was particularly important, Entergy officials said, between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., the typically highest use hours of the day.
“This unusual request is due to the demand for electricity potentially exceeding the available generation due to the extreme cold and weather conditions currently impacting our service territory,” Entergy official said in the news release. “Current load forecasts are approaching an all-time peak, even greater than those experienced during the polar vortex of January 2019.”
Entergy officials ask that you: