Mississippi teen nipped by VIPERs
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, May 24, 2023
A 16-year-old armed with an AR15 rifle, and an 80-round-capacity magazine is in custody tonight, and his weapon is in the hands of the Columbus Police Department.
According to Columbus Police Chief Joseph Daughtry, the newly formed V.I.P.E.R unit made the arrest just before darkness fell on Tuesday evening.
“This is what this new team is great at doing,” Daughtry said late Tuesday.
“There were patrolling areas where concerned citizens contacted us about possible criminal activity. The VIPER team drove up on five subjects. When the team started talking to these persons, the armed 16-year-old ran, but we caught him. He is behind bars at Juvenile Detention and has lost his gun forever if convicted. We will hold it until that time,” Daughtry added.
V.I.P.E.R. stands for Violent Immediate Police Emergency Response, according to the Chief.
“Tonight’s incident was in the 16th Street and 9th Avenue North area,” the Chief said. “We know where the high crime areas are, and we are coming for the criminals. The days of criminals victimizing citizens are ending. These officers have one responsibility, and they know where to patrol at what times of the day.”
Anyone concerned about crime in particular areas of Columbus can call 911 or use the free anonymous P3 app for smartphones.