Mississippi school athletic director arrested on child porn charges

Published 5:05 am Friday, August 30, 2024

The Mississippi Attorney General’s Office, in collaboration with the George County Sheriff’s Office, executed a search warrant today at the home of Chris West, the 51-year-old Director of Athletics for the George County School District.

West has been charged with one count of possession of child pornography and one count of distribution of child pornography. He is currently being held at the George County Regional Correctional Facility. Following an initial appearance before a George County Justice Court Judge, West was granted a commercial bond set at $50,000 for each count, totaling $100,000.

The investigation is being led by the Mississippi Attorney General’s Office. Sheriff Mitchell Mixon emphasized the commitment of local law enforcement to the case, stating, “We remain committed to supporting the ongoing investigation and ensuring justice is served.”

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Superintendent Wade Whitney of the George County School District acknowledged the severity of the situation, saying, “The George County School District has just been made aware of the allegations against Chris West and is fully cooperating with law enforcement in this matter. The safety and well-being of our students is always our paramount concern.”

Authorities are urging anyone with information related to the case to contact Mississippi Coast Crime Stoppers at 877-787-5898, visit mscoastcrimestoppers.com, or submit tips through the George County Sheriff’s Office website at www.GeorgeCountyMSSheriff.com.