Thursday’s National Day of Prayer will be ‘virtual,’ but likely to draw more prayer, more pray-ers than ever, organizer says
Published 12:02 pm Wednesday, May 6, 2020
As most of you are well aware, the National Day of Prayer is an annual national observance established in public law in 1952 and observed publicly on the First Thursday in May since 1988. Regardless of the unprecedented challenges that our nation is facing today due to the covid-19 outbreak and resulting economic shutdown, it will not be canceled nor postponed – but will look very different from years past.
Find Local Observances in Your Area
Each year, people gather across our nation in over 60,000 local community events to pray together for America. While the number of people gathering in-person may be different this year, the prayers we pray will be multiplied and amplified through new and creative approaches, combined with unprecedented access to digital platforms. In homes, neighborhoods, communities, cities, and states, our NDP coordinators are planning to mobilize millions in unified, public prayer for America while still observing recommended ‘physical distancing’ measures. the events will vary from state to state, and you can find out what is happening in your area, by visiting You can also connect and reach out to your state coordinator directly at
Pray with Us During the National Observance Broadcast
By focusing on using these digital platforms, this year’s ‘virtual’ observances have the potential to become the largest prayer gathering in U.S. history – with millions PRAYING TOGETHER, INDIVIDUALLY.
In addition to the events being held in local communities, the NATIONAL OBSERVANCE BROADCAST will take place on MAY 7TH FROM 8 to 10 PM ET. Leading the night will be Kathy Branzell (President of the National Day of Prayer Task Force) and Will Graham (The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association), with help from Rick Warren (Saddleback Church); Bishop Harry Jackson (Hope Christian Church); Michael W. Smith (Nashville); Nick Hall (Pulse); Robert Morris (Gateway Church); Senators Lankford, Chris Coons, Tim Scott, and Representative Emanuel Cleaver; Luis and Andrew Palau (the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association); Billy Wilson (Oral Roberts University); Pat Robertson (CBN) and many more.
It will be broadcasted, streamed and posted in various ways including on our website, Facebook Live stream ( and cross-posted on many of our ministry partner’s websites and Facebook pages. It can be viewed on television on GodTV, Daystar, with more stations to come, and on radio through Moody, Bott, and Salem Radio Networks. You can also find the link for the broadcast on our website and stream it out to the members of your group, organization or congregation through Facebook, Zoom, YouTube, or other video-streaming platform. ( As you share on social media, use the hashtags #PRAYGODSGLORY, #NATIONALDAYOFPRAYER, #PRAYFORAMERICA to connect with other pray-ers! Get the word out, let your friends and family know, and join us as we pray!
This year’s theme, “Pray God’s Glory Across the Earth”, is based on Habakkuk 2:14, and reminds us that this promise, “for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” is for us today. National Day of Prayer (NDP) Task Force President, Kathy Branzell, put it this way, “Unprecedented times call for unprecedented prayer! This year’s ‘virtual’ National Day of Prayer Observance may have more prayer – and more ‘pray-ers’ than ever before!”
Calling our Nation to Prayer,
Dion Elmore, Vice President, Marketing and Public Relations
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