
In 2018, get rid of the clutter weighing down your home and your heart

Once your house is in order, your life will follow. Makes sense, right?


Should Mississippi, one of the most gambling-addicted states in the nation, implement a lottery?

How a state lottery could affect Mississippi's gamblers, who already stand out among the most addicted in the ...


Why I wish I'd been more compassionate toward a woman who screamed obscenities at me in public

Compassion demands more than having sympathy for another person. It's how we take that emotion and use it ...


Modest Proposals Part II: Abolish the income tax system; reform criminal juries

Let’s stop using the tax code for social engineering and other solutions to the world's problems.


Self-care isn't a millennial trend—it's a fundamental need

When we talk about self-care, we’re actually talking about emotional intelligence and self-awareness—and those aren’t new concepts.


Majority of federal civil service employees are operatives of the Democrat party and its liberal policies

Civil service is now protecting political partisans and Democratic party hacks inside the bureaucracy.


Christmas without the trappings leaves a holiday anchored in love

For me, Christmas celebrates the birth of the person who taught about and manifested what I believe to ...


Roy Moore's endorsement of American family values before the Civil War disregards the sins of slavery

Hailing the family values of the slavery era while discounting the sins of slavery against those values is ...


Recognizing the political power of black women isn't enough. Invest in them.

It’s not enough to merely recognize the influence of black women in politics, especially when it involves shifting ...


Ole Miss and the NCAA: Breaking down the Deep State in Indianapolis

It’s the unaccountable bureaucrat lawyers and investigators who run the NCAA enforcement division. The NCAA does not follow ...

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